Thingish Things

Tonight’s GOP Debate

Written By: William F. B. O'Reilly - Jun• 13•11

Here’s a pretty good video primer by WMUR TV on tonight’s GOP Primary debate at St. Anselm College in Manchester, NH.

There’s not a lot of buzz on this debate, but a few things to look for:

  • Watch Newt Gingrich to try to make news.  He just lost most of his campaign team, and if he’s not the headline after tonight’s debate, he may not be a presidential candidate much longer;
  • We’ll see if Tea Party congresswoman Michelle Bachmann can hold her own among the big boys. She doesn’t need to dominate the debate, just show command of the issues.  Her job will be to gain respectability as a candidate tonight;
  • Mitt Romney has the most to lose.  He is the front runner in front of a hometown crowd. Expect Newt Gingrich and others to gang up on him.  He’s been here before; he’ll need to stay cool;
  • Tim Pawlenty will look to shine, too.  But I wouldn’t expect him to be over aggressive.  His job is to look like a viable establishment alternative to Mitt Romney should the front runner stumble, and
  • Herman Cain, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum will fill out the field.  Santorum and Cain will fight for the most conservative status, and Ron Paul will be Ron Paul.

Candidates are still missing in the GOP field, but slowly but surely it is narrowing.


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