Thingish Things

The-Anyone-but-Barack Vote

Written By: William F. B. O'Reilly - Aug• 22•11

Ron Paul is in a statistical tie with President Obama if the election were held today, with President Obama pulling 47% of the vote and Congressman Paul taking 45%.  In fact, Paul would probably beat the President today, as the undecideds almost all break to the challenger in a presidential contest.

Michele Bachmann is  four points behind the President in the Gallup survey, and Mitt Romney is leading the President 48-46.  Rick Perry and President Obama are tied at 47.

The shocking number is Paul’s though, and to some extent Bachmann’s. Paul was considered a gadfly candidate in 2008, but he’s gained national respect as a straight talker, committed fiscal conservative, and Constitutionalist since then. But what the Gallup Poll really suggests, I think, is an anyone-but-Obama dynamic is emerging.  Voters are looking to anyone — anyone — to replace the current Oval Office occupant. No wonder more Republicans are thinking about getting in. 


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