It was bound to happen. The so-called Wall Street “fat cats”, who have been giving far more money to Democrats than to Republicans in recent years — especially to President Obama — have had it with serving as a punching bag for the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party, which have married themselves to the Occupy Wall Street radicals.
Politico reports today that telephone lines between Wall Street and Capital Hill are beginning to burn up, with indignant financial industry executives calling out the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee leaders and others to warn them to stop talking out of both sides of their mouths.
Writes Politico: “You can’t have it both ways,” said one in-house financial services lobbyist. “It just makes it harder for people who are Democrats in New York, Boston, Chicago to on the one hand be demogagued and then be asked ‘Hey, you can get your picture with the president for $30,000.’ It doesn’t square.”
The rhetoric coming from the protesters has shifted from impolitic to borderline Bolshevik in the past week. And President Obama and the Democrats in Washington have walked uncomplainingly alongside it. But guess what’s going to change that? Money will. If the Wall Streeters really begin shutting off the spigot, all bets between the protesters and the Democratic Party will be off speedy quick.
Chalk it up as a teachable moment for the Scarsdale radicals. Money talks. All else walks. And walks. And walks.
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