Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is under fire for the expense of his weekend trips from Washington, DC to his home in California. They have totaled in excess of $800,000. Mr. Panetta is from California. His family lives there. And as Defense Secretary, is he required to travel on military jets where he has full access to military […]
Read the rest of this entry »Is Panetta Playing Good Cop Bad Cop?
One hopes the Obama Administration is paired with Israel in a game of good-cop-bad-cop against Iran. That’s the only thing that would make sense after reading of the latest Administration admonitions to Israel on that nation’s plans to take out Iranian nuclear-weapon facilities. Iran has not only promised to develop a weapon as soon as possible, it has vowed to […]
Read the rest of this entry »Thinking Ahead on Ron Paul
Thinking aloud. If Leon Panetta meant what he said in his interview with CBS’s Scott Paley on Tuesday — I can’t believe Panetta’s remarks weren’t the lead story in every newspaper in America Wednesday — the United States and Israel will be at war with Iran and its transnational surrogate Hezbollah by the autumn of […]
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