Thingish Things

Détente in DC Now here’s something you don’t see every day. Conservative rock band Madison Rising plays here before left-wing “Occupy Congress” demonstrators, who heartily cheer the band at the end of the tune. One bearded demonstrator even dances into the camera shot. The tune is called “Before the Hyphens Came” and it’s about Americans dropping their differences […]

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Bad-Ass Patriots Only in today’s music world would a patriotic rock band be seen as radical, but that’s exactly what Madison Rising is quickly becoming known as in the liberal-dominated music industry — bad-ass radical.  The pro-military, pro-free-market, anti-protest rockers are considered so against the grain, in fact, that they were banned from playing in Zuccotti […]

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Dept. of Interesting Timing The band Madison Rising is debuting its first album today, which includes the song “Honk if You Want Peace,” lambasting the Occupy Wall Street protesters as college slackers and “tie-dyed slobs.”   The song, which tells the story of a father trying to get a daughter to a hospital through roads choked by protesters, […]

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