Thingish Things

Pres. Obama Back Underwater

President Obama’s job approval rating is now back under water, according to today’s Real Clear Politics average of national polls.  The President had managed to catch a breath of air in recent weeks, as the at-times nasty Republican primary raged on, but gas prices and angry rhetoric have pressed the President’s numbers back down under. […]

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Steyn Afire

There’s no one better today than Mark Steyn when he gets really cooking.  And this morning he’s afire with thoughts on President Obama’s so-called Buffet Rule and other inanities. A couple of gems: On President Obama’s rhetorical obliques In the end, free societies get the governments they deserve. So, if the American people wish to […]

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Obama Oils the Skids

If there was any question about which direction President Obama’s polling shows him going — forget his recent blip among women in national surveys — his campaign’s “Big Oil” attack ad launched today against Mitt Romney answers any doubters.  Mr. Obama knows he is about to take a shellacking from rising gas prices, which promise to get […]

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Washington’s Spotted Owl Fever

The Obama Administration is planning to shoot barred owls in Washington State in order to save spotted owls — yes, the very same spotted owls that successfully lobbied Congress to shut down logging operations in large swaths of the state three decades ago. Wise little buggers, those spotteds. They must have a PAC.  I first heard about this in Washington, D.C. […]

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Obama vs. The Archbishop

  Fifty bucks on Dolan. 

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Mr. Obama’s Debt Request

  The U.S. D-Day Museum estimates the total economic cost of WWII — all nations combined — at $1.6 trillion. One could spend two lifetimes itemizing the destruction wrought during that war on Europe and Asia, and the staggering amount of war materials used therein by the Allied and Axis powers. Many, many cities were flattened to […]

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Did Robert Reich Just Signal Hillary’s Willingness to Run for VP?

Former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich revived speculation today that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden will trade places for the 2012 election. I can’t help seeing this as more an official floating of the idea than a thinking aloud piece from Mr. Reich, who enjoys a long friendship and professional relationship […]

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Fourth Best President? I guess this is what some people call “out of touch.”  I’d expect to see this interview clip in a few ads next fall. 

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In the days of a President Obama and a surging (for now) Newt Gingrich, one can’t help but yearn for the early years of the republic when presidential candidates did not campaign for themselves, when others extolled the candidates’ public virtues in their behalf.  Face it, Barack Obama was elected president because he was imbued […]

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Bah Humbug! (UPDATE)

The over/under on President Obama rescinding his 15-cent federal surtax on Christmas trees is 6 pm Thursday.  Any takers?  The Department of Agriculture tax is supposed to help support the image of the Christmas tree industry — paid for by people already buying Christmas trees. Huh?  And if Christmas trees are taking a hit, why not allow […]

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