Thingish Things

Dems Losing Grip on Protests

There’s a memorable scene in the movie “The Killing Fields” where, barricaded inside the walls of the French embassy in Phnom Pen after the fall of the Cambodian capital to Marxist guerrillas, a group of Western journalists peer through its windows at the arrival of a truckload of Soviet diplomats. A Khmer Rouge insurgent, in […]

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VIDEO UPDATE: Obama’s Class War Escalates

Newspapers this morning failed to note what didn’t happen last night at the Washington, DC Convention Center.  Indeed, they failed to mention what did happen.  It’s really not their fault.  Things that don’t happen generally aren’t news, and what did happen happened after print deadlines. But, as someone who was there, let me recap what […]

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The [Steve] Jobs Plan President Obama Ignored

Fascinating read in the Huffington Post this morning on a meeting between the late Apple chairman Steve Jobs and President Obama. Mr. Jobs, who was a vocal Obama supporter in 2008, reportedly told Mr. Obama that he would be a one-term president, in part because of his anti-business policies.  Jobs also harshly criticized America’s teachers […]

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Daddy Warbucks Fights Back!

 It was bound to happen. The so-called Wall Street “fat cats”, who have been giving far more money to Democrats than to Republicans in recent years — especially to President Obama — have had it with serving as a punching bag for the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party, which have married themselves to the Occupy Wall Street radicals.   […]

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Quote of the Weekend, Mort Zuckerman

“the door to [the Occupy Wall Street protests] was opened by the Obama administration, going after the ‘millionaires and billionaires’ as if everybody is a millionaire and a billionaire and they didn’t earn it. . . . To fan that flame of populist anger I think is very divisive and very dangerous for this country.” […]

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Obama’s Victims & Demons

Charles Krauthammer writes thoughtfully this morning on a point I touched on last week to some criticism: In an attempt to fire up his base, President Obama has ginned up a dangerous climate of blame-the-other-guy in this country. Krauthammer calls it “The Scapegoat Strategy.”  He writes: Obama’s new strategy: Don’t whine, blame. Attack. Indict. Accuse. Who? The rich […]

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Obama Wanted to Apologize to Who?

Investor’s Business Daily is reporting that President Obama sought to publicly apologize to the Japanese government for America’s use of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II.  The weapons probably saved more than one hundred thousand U.S. lives, one of them being my father’s.  He was on his way to Japan for the […]

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Obama the Leader

President Obama is being wrongly accused of failing to lead the nation. His leadership is now on clear display in lower Manhattan any day of the week.    It’s in the 1968-retread slogans painted on cardboard signs in Zuccotti Park.  It’s on the faces of the young people scrawling them day and night. It’s in […]

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Steady Wins the Race

If rumors are accurate that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is going to skip jumping into the presidential primary — and they appear to be— the grand winner of all the hype will be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who is trodding slowly but surely toward the nomination. Speculation over Governor Christie began in earnest […]

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The “Story” is a Campaign Essential

When Peggy Noonan is on her game, there are few more persuasive than she. And the former Reagan speech writer is decidedly on her game today with a Wall Street Journal column entitled “Once Upon a Time in America.” Ms. Noonan’s column is so compelling and so well written that it pains me to disagree […]

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