Thingish Things

The Youth Vote, Part 67 I apologize for harping so much on the youth vote, but here is a new ad from the College National Republican Committee that rings irresistibly true.  It is playing on programming that appeals to the the under-30 age bracket on cable stations, including MTV and Comedy Central.  My gut says it will be explosively effective. I remember hearing messaging that […]

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Doltish Debt Depictions

Ronald Reagan famously described in 1980 how the national debt, if stacked in dollar bills, would extend almost to the moon.  I remember watching him say it on television and thinking “my God.” It made quite an impression, not just on me, but on the country. People spoke about that visual for the rest of […]

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Campaign Ad, Carter ’80 Reagan may be the Democrats’ favorite Republican today, but here is how they positioned Reagan in ’80.  Does the scare tactic sound familiar? 

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What Would Reagan Do? President Obama and other Democratic leaders have repeatedly invoked Ronald Reagan in their negotiations with Republicans over the debt ceiling.  They have suggested that Reagan would have been more willing to yield on raising taxes. Here Michael Reagan, a son of the late President, has some fun at President Obama’s expense comparing Reaganomics with Obamanomics.  It’s […]

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Making Congress Squirm

The closer the US gets to debt ceiling D-Day, the more I find myself rooting for the Tea Party coalition in Congress. Part of the reason is that I love big news stories. I root for record temperatures in the summer and historic snowfalls in the winter. I can’t help it; it’s how I’m built. […]

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Campaign Ad, Reagan ’84 This is the best campaign ad I’ve ever seen. It was pitch-perfect when released.  “Morning in America” was written by ad man Hal Riney, who also did the voice-over for the spot.  I remember exactly where I was sitting when I first saw it. It actually choked me up. My then girlfriend made fun of me for […]

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