Thingish Things

Political Blood Sport A candidate I once worked for launched a political campaign on a television program, pledging to stay positive throughout the race.  The interviewer burst out laughing on the set –genuinely. I remember thinking at the time, “We’ll show him.”  A month later, we were in the thick of one of the nastiest campaigns in memory.  The Ron […]

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The Newt Bubble — and Temper — Go ‘Pop’

So much for staying above the fray. The constitutionally acerbic Newt Gingrich, who promised to remain positive in the Republican presidential primaries, but who is now falling in the polls like an April barometer, is unleashing his pent up frustrations this week with fury. Mr. Gingrich and his campaign are accusing Mitt Romney of being […]

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Ron Paul’s Turn If you run to be President of the United States, you have to be scrutinized, down to the very last word. It’s now Ron Paul’s turn to be vetted in the news media, and lingering words from old newsletters published under his name are fair game.  The language in the newsletters is racist, and […]

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Thinking Ahead on Ron Paul

Thinking aloud. If Leon Panetta meant what he said in his interview with CBS’s Scott Paley on Tuesday — I can’t believe Panetta’s remarks weren’t the lead story in every newspaper in America Wednesday — the United States and Israel will be at war with Iran and its transnational surrogate Hezbollah by the autumn of […]

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Newt Tanking

New Polls out of Iowa confirm what Rasmussen reported on Friday.  Newt Gingrich is tanking.  Ron Paul is now formally in the lead in the Hawkeye State, but that cannot last.  His isolationist foreign policy positions are anathema to a vast majority of Republicans everywhere.  Mr. Gingrich’s precipitous drop is welcome evidence that the messaging used by other […]

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Paul Directs Fire at Newt While Mitt Romney considers how to take on a resurgent Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul is taking it directly to the former House Speaker. He won’t be the first or last in the field to do it.  Should be interesting.  There is plenty of fodder available where Mr. Gingrich is concerned. Let’s see how he […]

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Paul vs. Hellfire

You have to give credit to Ron Paul for speaking his mind about things, but in objecting to the successful drone strike on American al Qaeda leader, Anwar al-Awlaki, Congressman Paul has shown that he’s not seriously trying to win the presidency. He’s only running to advance a palate of rigid libertarian ideals. If Mr. […]

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The-Anyone-but-Barack Vote

Ron Paul is in a statistical tie with President Obama if the election were held today, with President Obama pulling 47% of the vote and Congressman Paul taking 45%.  In fact, Paul would probably beat the President today, as the undecideds almost all break to the challenger in a presidential contest. Michele Bachmann is  four points behind the President […]

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Ron Paul Goes for It Ron Paul’s new ad just has to make you smile.  I laughed out loud at its…audacity.  Taking a page out of the Obama Book, Paul and his team half-facetiously declare him “The One.”  Paul may never become President of the United States, but he is representing his libertarian principals nobly.  Paul may get — and deserve — […]

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Campaign Ad, Ron Paul This ad is now up and running. Pretty clear where he stands on the debt ceiling.   

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