Thingish Things

UN Jumps the Shark

Written By: William F. B. O'Reilly - Jul• 07•11

The League of Nations and then the United Nations was a noble idea. But the entity that exists today off Dag Hammarskjold Plaza is a cruel joke on anyone subscribing to a one-world, kumbaya vision.

There have been 1,000 instances demonstrating the UN’s fecklessness and downright idiocy, but none more jarring than North Korea assuming the chairmanship of the UN Conference on Disarmament. It is akin to Stalin chairing a commission on political freedoms.

North Korea is the most dangerous country in the world.  It has lied repeatedly, breaking solemn pledge after solemn pledge, in order to develop nuclear weapons. And there is huge international concern at this very moment — as Kim Jong Il  chairs the UN Conference on Disarmament — that North Korea, in dire economic straights, might be shopping its nuclear technology for cash. 

The Australian puts it perfectly in this morning’s headline: “Is the UN Stark Raving Mad?” 

Worse than that, I’m afraid, it is irrelevant. It has become Wilsonian performance art, a lesson in unilateralism. 

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