Thingish Things

U.S. Tax Dollars to China

Written By: William F. B. O'Reilly - Aug• 04•11


Chinese High Speed Rail, Courtesy of U.S. Taxpayers

A friend and neighbor sent me this Associated Press story today reporting on a fledgling bi-partisan effort in the U.S. Senate to stop sending “development aid” to China.  Ya think?  Twelve senators have signed on so far.  (Twelve?  I would have thought 99 would be sponsors — self-professed socialist Bernie Sanders from Vermont probably wants to double the aid.)

U.S. taxpayers have sent $275 million in direct aid to China since 2001, AP reports.  Our money went to improve China’s public transportation system and Internet service, while U.S. bridges and roadways collapse. Meanwhile, China is pouring its resources into building a nuclear navy to challenge America’s maritime predominance. 

How did this funding possibly make it through last week’s budget cuts?  Are you kidding me? 

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One Comment

  1. Your Friend says:

    Ah, look, something we agree on! Although $27M a year is peanuts, find enough peanuts and you have a meal.

    Now, if you want to really lose your lunch about horrible things and China…

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