Thingish Things

The New “It”

Written By: William F. B. O'Reilly - Jan• 04•12



Rick Santorum crept up in the Iowa polls in recent weeks as the last standing social conservative who could challenge Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination. As Newt Gingrich’s and Michele Bachmann’s supporters looked for a relevant place to cast their vote, Mr. Santorum, who campaigned endlessly in Iowa,  became the latest, and maybe last, “it” guy — the Romney alternative.  Now, with Texas Governor Rick Perry and Mrs. Bachmann poised to exit the race — and a piping-mad Newt Gingrich vowing to spend his last red cent damaging Mr. Romney — a clear path opens for Mr. Santorum, the father of seven and former Pennsylvania senator.

The question is, can Rick Santorum put it all together?

Within a matter of weeks he will need to build out a full national campaign team and learn to endure a national media scrutiny he has yet to endure.  The money should be there for him, but can he build his field troops in the next dozen primary states between now and March?

It’s possible. Politics is never dull, and it abhors a vacuum. That giant sucking sound we hear is the unlikely Rick Santorum being sucked onto center stage. 

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