If there was any question about which direction President Obama’s polling shows him going — forget his recent blip among women in national surveys — his campaign’s “Big Oil” attack ad launched today against Mitt Romney answers any doubters. Mr. Obama knows he is about to take a shellacking from rising gas prices, which promise to get worse over the summer months. AAA reported yesterday that gas prices rose again last week, this time by four cents per gallon.
The Obama Administration is damned on this issue for three reasons — it blocked drilling contracts over the past three years; it opposed the Keystone XL Pipeline, and it lost billions of taxpayer dollars in guaranteeing loans for dubious “clean energy” start ups like Solyndra. Add to that remarks made by Mr. Obama’s Energy Secretary about the Administration wanting high gas prices, and the President has a real problem.
So what does he do? He attacks the oil industry itself and paints Mr. Romney as its lackey. Can anyone image JFK or FDR or RWR attacking a major American industry for political gain? And on the very same day, Mr. Obama lashed out at Supreme Court Justices as “un-elected” “judicial activists” for criticizing his probably unconstitutional health care plan. We are entering a surreal world with this administration — and it’s only April.
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