Thingish Things

Archive for the 'Public Service Unions' Category

UPDATE: Let Karen the Bus Driver Retire UPDATE: THE GOAL OF THIS CAMPAIGN WAS TO RAISE $5,000 OVER A 30 DAY PERIOD.  AS OF 5;45 PM (EST) — IN FEWER THAN 24 HOURS — MORE THAN $332,000 HAS COME IN.  This is a heartbreaking video that is becoming a heartwarming story. The video is of a Rochester’s area bus monitor being […]

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Game Changer

This would change everything.  If today’s New York Post report that New York City snow removal was systematically hampered by a wildcat work slow-down holds true — and that it was ordered by sanitation union bosses protesting staffing cuts — there is going to be hell to pay for public service unions all over the state.  A widespread […]

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