I’ve long thought it a probability that President Obama will significantly lose re-election in November for the simple reason that he has not been a good President. That remains to be seen, but a few brave souls are emerging suggesting the same thing. ( A Texas inmate winning 41% of the vote against President Obama in the West Virginia […]
Read the rest of this entry »Election’s Over? Poppycock!
It’s incredible how quickly we jump to conclusions in politics. I do it all the time, and then prove myself an ass. Just read some back entries of this blog and that will be made clear. The latest meme is that the 2012 election is but a foregone conclusion — that an admittedly strange Republican […]
Read the rest of this entry »A Swinger President?
ABC has the exclusive goods on Newt Gingrich’s marital infidelities as told by his second wife Marianne Gingrich. They will air in full tonight. If Mr. Gingrich is anything like President Bill Clinton, expect the character assassination of Marianne to soon begin. The former Mrs. Gingrich tells ABC News that Mr. Gingrich wanted her to […]
Read the rest of this entry »Year of the Carrot
I was really trying to find something upbeat to write about this morning, something to ring in the new year with a jingle of optimism. But a scan of the news and editorial pages made that tough. The New York Times is calling for more government spending, a day after reporting that President Obama will ask for a […]
Read the rest of this entry »An Angry Newt Jumps the Shark
Newt Gingrich has jumped the shark. The man who has had a “bold” new “solution” daily since the 1980’s — in direct contradiction to conservative thought — is now attacking conservative icons like George Will and Charles Krauthammer, and revered conservative publications like National Review, through his super PAC “Winning Our Future.” Their crime is in […]
Read the rest of this entry »Fourth Best President?
http://youtu.be/1O3SfeC2oSc I guess this is what some people call “out of touch.” I’d expect to see this interview clip in a few ads next fall.
Read the rest of this entry »Rick Perry’s Low Blow
http://youtu.be/0PAJNntoRgA Just saw Rick Perry’s new ad “Strong” that I have heard so much about and which has caused so much controversy, which his ad makers clearly intended. I am way behind in commenting on it; a single You Tube posting of the spot has had more than six million views in a week. The spot […]
Read the rest of this entry »Bachmann Has Earned National Respect
Even if Michelle Bachmann were to somehow win Iowa, it would be unlikely that she could put together the financing or institutional support to be an effective challenger in the other 49 states. But last night’s debate performance, like so many before it, showed that Mrs. Bachmann belongs on the national stage. Sure, she has […]
Read the rest of this entry »Newt Planned U.S. States in Outer Space — For Real
Anyone who says Newt Gingrich doesn’t like big government hasn’t read his “National Space and Aeronautics Policy Act of 1981.” Mr. Gingrich wanted to bring government to Jupiter and Mars, as Frank Sinatra might sing, but his legislation was shot out of the sky by sane minds in Congress. The bill amendment — you can’t make this […]
Read the rest of this entry »Commanding-Speakers-in-Chief
In the days of a President Obama and a surging (for now) Newt Gingrich, one can’t help but yearn for the early years of the republic when presidential candidates did not campaign for themselves, when others extolled the candidates’ public virtues in their behalf. Face it, Barack Obama was elected president because he was imbued […]
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