Thingish Things

Newt Gingrich, Fool’s Gold

  Conservative icon George Will has been pounding the daylights out of Newt Gingrich in his syndicated column lately. And for good reason. Will has been writing about Mr. Gingrich for years. He knows him. He knows that Mr. Gingrich is a megalomaniac first, an opportunist second, and a conservative third — at best, and […]

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Paul Directs Fire at Newt While Mitt Romney considers how to take on a resurgent Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul is taking it directly to the former House Speaker. He won’t be the first or last in the field to do it.  Should be interesting.  There is plenty of fodder available where Mr. Gingrich is concerned. Let’s see how he […]

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Is God Smiling on Mitt Romney?

I think God may be smiling on Mitt Romney. It may not look like it today — the day Newt Gingrich bagged the Manchester Union Leader endorsement — but I think I see the crack of a divine grin breaking through the big white puffies up above. The last thing anyone wants to be in a presidential […]

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The Real Question About Mr. Cain’s Libya Interview Herman Cain is clearly talking nonsense about U.S. policy toward Libya during this much-criticized Milwaukee Sentinel interview this week. But the greater question is what on earth was Mr. Cain doing in Wisconsin in November? Wisconsin doesn’t hold its Republican primary until April (It has caucus meetings in February, but still…). The GOP nomination race could […]

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Bah Humbug! (UPDATE)

The over/under on President Obama rescinding his 15-cent federal surtax on Christmas trees is 6 pm Thursday.  Any takers?  The Department of Agriculture tax is supposed to help support the image of the Christmas tree industry — paid for by people already buying Christmas trees. Huh?  And if Christmas trees are taking a hit, why not allow […]

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Dems Losing Grip on Protests

There’s a memorable scene in the movie “The Killing Fields” where, barricaded inside the walls of the French embassy in Phnom Pen after the fall of the Cambodian capital to Marxist guerrillas, a group of Western journalists peer through its windows at the arrival of a truckload of Soviet diplomats. A Khmer Rouge insurgent, in […]

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Cain Campaign Needs to Regroup or Retire

Herman Cain’s campaign manager, Mark Block, of cigarette ad fame, just backed off his very public charge that Texas Governor Rick Perry’s campaign was responsible for this week’s stories about sexual harassment charges levied against Mr. Cain in the 1990’s.  Yesterday, Messrs. Block and Cain slammed Perry in separate television appearances, with Block calling for a national apology from Mr. […]

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Newt’s Notes

The socialist magazine Mother Jones is definitely getting its mojo together (Mojo also happens to be its nickname.) I couldn’t disagree more with its premise, but it is impossible not to acknowledge that it has put together a crisp group of Lefty writers who are drawing eyes from both sides of the political spectrum. Mojo […]

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Campaign Ad, Cain Most of you have probably already seen this.  But I had to post it anyway. It’s Herman Cain’s first real TV spot, and it’s…bizarre.  I can’t decide if I love it or hate it. If I decide to love it, it won’t because of the ad itself, but for the testes Cain shows in airing something […]

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Perry Lays ’em on the Table

Don’t count out Rick Perry just yet. The Lone Star State governor laid his tax reform cards on the table today, and it’s a humdinger:  A simple-to-understand 20% flat tax that Perry and his economic advisors say will spur massive job growth in the country. I have had the pleasure of working with one of those […]

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