Thingish Things

Brown’s Coup de Grâce in California

California Governor Jerry Brown isn’t done with California yet. Not while it’s still breathing.  The man who has held just about every public office in the Golden State short of dog catcher is facing a $16 billion budget deficit — he estimated it to be $9 billion last month.  Brown’s answer?  Hike taxes again. Mr. Brown is asking voters […]

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California, Bon Voyage

Disaster enthusiasts have long predicted that the San Andreas Fault would one day sever California from the U.S. mainland. Too late.  It has already happened, and it didn’t take an earthquake to do it.  Stoned radicals – they just have to be – have accomplished what the earth’s crust has long resisted.   West Hollywood, […]

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Kooky California Strikes Again

It is bewildering to contemplate the mindset of California legislators.  They make New York officials sound sober by comparison. San Francisco legislators, in Grinch-like fashion, banned “Happy Meals” in restaurants recently and will soon join Santa Monica in voting to prohibit the 6,000 year-old medical procedure and Jewish cultural ceremony, circumcision.  There is no religious […]

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