Thingish Things

OCW, LA: “Long Live Socialism!” Here is a clip from a speaker at yesterday’s Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Los Angeles.  Here’s what he says after calling for a bloody worldwide revolution (note the cheers afterward.)  Are these the protests with which the Democratic Party really wants to align? Nancy Pelosi might want to begin backtracking. 

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Obama the Leader

President Obama is being wrongly accused of failing to lead the nation. His leadership is now on clear display in lower Manhattan any day of the week.    It’s in the 1968-retread slogans painted on cardboard signs in Zuccotti Park.  It’s on the faces of the young people scrawling them day and night. It’s in […]

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The Growing Youth Revolt

President Obama was bound to lose his grip on the youth vote.  Young people may think they are immortal, but they aren’t stupid.  They can do math, and, according to every available calculation on the federal deficit, the under-30 crowd is screwed.  They are the ones who will be stuck with the bill for decades […]

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Bad Mannered Politics

There was a rule in college football called the Halo Rule that protected punt returners from getting killed. It requires defensive players to allow a punt returner to actually catch the ball before creaming him. It didn’t just protect lives, it was considered good sportsmanship.   The New York Times writes today about the Democratic […]

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