The so-called mainstream media (especially Politico) got beaten up in recent weeks up by some conservative media types for picking on Herman Cain. Now it looks like the MSM did those conservatives a favor by thoroughly parsing — as they are supposed to do — the fire-brand Republican presidential candidate. With last night’s credible claim by […]
Read the rest of this entry »The Real Question About Mr. Cain’s Libya Interview Herman Cain is clearly talking nonsense about U.S. policy toward Libya during this much-criticized Milwaukee Sentinel interview this week. But the greater question is what on earth was Mr. Cain doing in Wisconsin in November? Wisconsin doesn’t hold its Republican primary until April (It has caucus meetings in February, but still…). The GOP nomination race could […]
Read the rest of this entry »Remember Kathleen Willey (UPDATED)
The American Left looked the other way when Bill Clinton molested a 21-year-old intern in the Oval Office. They cheered when he systematically assassinated her character — and the characters of fellow accusers Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. It was morally wrong to do what they did. Just as it is morally wrong now for conservatives […]
Read the rest of this entry »Cain Campaign Needs to Regroup or Retire
Herman Cain’s campaign manager, Mark Block, of cigarette ad fame, just backed off his very public charge that Texas Governor Rick Perry’s campaign was responsible for this week’s stories about sexual harassment charges levied against Mr. Cain in the 1990’s. Yesterday, Messrs. Block and Cain slammed Perry in separate television appearances, with Block calling for a national apology from Mr. […]
Read the rest of this entry »About Herman Cain
I like Herman Cain. I am rooting for him. I haven’t decided who I’ll vote for in the Republican primary, but Herman Cain is on my list. But it would be intellectually dishonest to dismiss as a “witch hunt” the information that has come forward about sexual harassment settlements made on Mr. Cain’s behalf in […]
Read the rest of this entry »Cain’s Dilemna
Herman Cain has a big problem. The sexual harassment allegations against him — indeed “five-figure” settlements paid out to two former employees — will in all likelihood destroy his presidential bid, and there is little Mr. Cain can do about it. If Mr. Cain defends himself in any detail, he will violate a gag order issued at the time […]
Read the rest of this entry »Campaign Ad, Cain Most of you have probably already seen this. But I had to post it anyway. It’s Herman Cain’s first real TV spot, and it’s…bizarre. I can’t decide if I love it or hate it. If I decide to love it, it won’t because of the ad itself, but for the testes Cain shows in airing something […]
Read the rest of this entry »The Scarce Candidate
I’ve often wondered what would happen if a popular presidential candidate stopped showing up at events around the country, instead relying 100% on surrogates to extol his advantages. “John Smith is qualified, busy — and he’s not a blow-hard.” That would be the essential message. That’s the way campaigns were waged in the old days, when […]
Read the rest of this entry »How Will Herman Do? A lot of eyes will be on businessman Herman Cain in tonight’s Republican Primary debate in New Hampshire. Cain’s dramatic rise in the polls is being seen as a temporary phenomenon by most political professionals. But what if he continues to excel in the polls? What if he continues to get better as a candidate? Is there room for a complete outsider […]
Read the rest of this entry »Steady Wins the Race
If rumors are accurate that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is going to skip jumping into the presidential primary — and they appear to be— the grand winner of all the hype will be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who is trodding slowly but surely toward the nomination. Speculation over Governor Christie began in earnest […]
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