Thingish Things

Hey, Iran. We Remember.

Responsible minds are hard at work trying to figure out what to do about Iran. As I see it, it’s a no brainer. Thirty-three years ago, this Iranian regime took Americans hostage for 444 days. They humiliated our country on the world stage and have been fomenting dissent against the U.S. ever since. Iran is […]

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Is Panetta Playing Good Cop Bad Cop?

One hopes the Obama Administration is paired with Israel in a game of good-cop-bad-cop against Iran. That’s the only thing that would make sense after reading of the latest Administration admonitions to Israel on that nation’s plans to take out Iranian nuclear-weapon facilities. Iran has not only promised to develop a weapon as soon as possible, it has vowed to […]

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Thinking Ahead on Ron Paul

Thinking aloud. If Leon Panetta meant what he said in his interview with CBS’s Scott Paley on Tuesday — I can’t believe Panetta’s remarks weren’t the lead story in every newspaper in America Wednesday — the United States and Israel will be at war with Iran and its transnational surrogate Hezbollah by the autumn of […]

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Collision Course With Iran

This is extraordinarily stark language from a U.S. Defense Secretary. Mr. Panetta leaves no wiggle room in this interview with CBS’s Scott Pelley: The U.S. will not allow Iran to build an atomic weapon, period, the Defense Secretary says. Will foreign policy suddenly veer into focus in the 2012 elections. Looks like it. 

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Ahmadinejad’s Tiny Violin

  Has anyone not had the following conversation over a large pitcher of beer at some point in life? “If you had a rifle and a clear line of vision on Adolph Hitler in, say, 1922 — when he hadn’t done anything terrible yet — would you take the shot, knowing what you know now?” […]

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