Thingish Things

Welcome Back, Mitt Romney

Things are looking up for Mitt Romney. Besides new polling numbers which have him, once again, leading the field in Iowa, his primary opponents’ slips are showing. Newt Gingrich has inexplicably introduced the idea of police officers dragging judges off the bench to congressional inquisitions.  And today he told a gay American that he should […]

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Mitt Swallows a Mouse

Can you believe he said that? I can’t. “A $10,000 bet?” My God. Mitt Romney’s unforced faux pas at last night’s debate in Iowa  hurt. It really hurt. Playing into the rich-kid image isn’t the deadly part, it’s the amount of time it will take Mr. Romney to recover from the off-handed remark. A bad […]

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Is God Smiling on Mitt Romney?

I think God may be smiling on Mitt Romney. It may not look like it today — the day Newt Gingrich bagged the Manchester Union Leader endorsement — but I think I see the crack of a divine grin breaking through the big white puffies up above. The last thing anyone wants to be in a presidential […]

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No Way Newt Stays on Top

Newt Gingrich is the latest in the anyone-but-Romney bunch to skyrocket in the polls.  After hovering in single digits for months, Mr. Gingrich suddenly finds himself leading his fellow GOP contenders in at least one poll. It won’t last. Yes, Mr. Gingrich is smart, too smart perhaps. And he is brash at a time when […]

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Romney Solid as a Rock in Granite State Debate

The New York Times has it right today: Mitt Romney won last night’s debate in New Hampshire hands-down by staying above the fray –and looking well-prepared to challenge President Obama next year.  All the Republicans in last night’s debate comported themselves well.  Each was articulate and well briefed.  But Romney was most impressive, looking for the first […]

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How Will Herman Do? A lot of eyes will be on businessman Herman Cain in tonight’s Republican Primary debate in New Hampshire. Cain’s dramatic rise in the polls is being seen as a temporary phenomenon by most political professionals.  But what if he continues to excel in the polls?  What if he continues to get better as a candidate? Is there room for a complete outsider […]

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Steady Wins the Race

If rumors are accurate that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is going to skip jumping into the presidential primary — and they appear to be— the grand winner of all the hype will be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who is trodding slowly but surely toward the nomination. Speculation over Governor Christie began in earnest […]

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Reality Check with Intrade

I like to check in from time to time with Dublin’s Intrade prediction market to see what bettors are thinking about U.S. elections.  Intrade (presumably) is a for-profit version of the Iowa Futures Market created some years ago by the University of Iowa to test the accuracy of political predictions when money is at stake. Those predictions have proved to be […]

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The-Anyone-but-Barack Vote

Ron Paul is in a statistical tie with President Obama if the election were held today, with President Obama pulling 47% of the vote and Congressman Paul taking 45%.  In fact, Paul would probably beat the President today, as the undecideds almost all break to the challenger in a presidential contest. Michele Bachmann is  four points behind the President […]

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And Then There Were Three

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are locked on each other already. The two are sniping back and forth 48 hours after Perry’s entrance into the GOP primary.  The news media is gobbling it up. Finally, something of interest to cover. Perry, a late entry in the race, needs to mix things up. The worst thing […]

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