Thingish Things

And the Oscar Goes to…


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A .50-Caliber Fantasy

A terrible image acquired from an essay I once read about The Great Famine in Ireland comes to mind whenever I read about starvation: dead children scattered along verdant roadsides with hands and mouths stained bright green.  They ingested grass by the fistful to stave off hunger pains before dying. That haunting image returned this […]

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UN Jumps the Shark

The League of Nations and then the United Nations was a noble idea. But the entity that exists today off Dag Hammarskjold Plaza is a cruel joke on anyone subscribing to a one-world, kumbaya vision. There have been 1,000 instances demonstrating the UN’s fecklessness and downright idiocy, but none more jarring than North Korea assuming the chairmanship […]

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