Thingish Things

Jackson vs. Union Dues

Written By: William F. B. O'Reilly - Jan• 27•11

I missed this piece by Democratic pollster Doug Schoen in The Wall Street Journal Online last week.

What Would Andrew Jackson Do?

Schoen talks about the public service union takeover of the Democratic Party and hits the nail on the head. In short, voters are slowly catching on to the coup that has occurred within the party of Jackson – and they don’t like it.  They are beginning to leave the General’s Party in significant numbers, mostly to become independents.

Here in New York, the union-controlled Working Families Party now virtually owns the Democratic State Assembly, and with it, veto power over state fiscal reform.  The tens of millions of dollars the public employee unions have at their disposal every election cycle through mandatory union dues – paid for by taxpayers – makes them a consistently powerful force.

I wrote on these pages a few days ago that Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to be several steps ahead (perhaps Schoen is his pollster?) by openly battling public union largesse.  If he is successful, he could lead a whole new fiscally responsible wing of the Democratic Party, or, more accurately, breathe life back into a forgotten one.

But then there are those union dues.  They just keep coming…

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