Thingish Things

And Now for Something Uplifting  

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Quote of the Day, John Boehner

  “As long as I’m around here, I’m not going to allow a debt-ceiling increase without doing something serious about the debt.” — House Leader John Boehner to President Obama today. Full story here. 

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Newsday Column: US Must Face Debt

There’s an unopened credit card bill on my kitchen counter that I am trying not to think about. It’s been sitting there for days. There are three dental visits on it, a half-dozen trips to the gas station, a couple of boneheaded, “don’t-worry-I’ve-got-it” restaurant tabs, and at least two dozen other charges, half of which […]

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The Disappearing Debt Issue

I don’t care what anyone says, debt is the number-one issue in America. Polls say otherwise. They consistently report that the issue is jobs, but it’s debt as far as I can see. It should stay front-and-center on the national radar.  I can hear it when talking to people on the campaign trail. I hear it from […]

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Oh, the Irony

  Communist China released a statement last night in reaction to the S&P downgrade saying that the U.S. needs to cut its “bloated social welfare” programs. Communist China.  

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