The growing question is not how does one stop Mitt Romney’s inexorable march to the Republican nomination, but how does one stop Rick Santorum — if he can put it together.
The former Pennsylvania senator looked like a winner to me on stage last night in Louisiana, not because he had just won the Alabama and Mississippi primaries — a northerner defeating a former Georgia congressman and the well-funded establishment candidate — but because he stood squarely on his feet on stage. He now knows who he is as a candidate, and when that happens, everyone can see it. Everything just clicks. Romney still has not reached that point, and no political consultant on earth can imbue it in him.
There is also something electrifying about an underdog. In blow outs where my teams are winning, I have privately rooted for the losing team to come back. It’s part of the human spirit, I think, to watch an aspirant begin to thrive. Mr. Santorum may be about to bottle that electricity — if he can keep it together. He is the David to Mitt Romney’s Goliath.
Rick Santorum does not work off a script. That’s extremely dangerous. He’s to the social right of a lot of Republicans. And he has a tendency to look and sound angry. Any one of those factors can eventually sink him. But he knows who he is as a candidate. That is worth Mitt Romney’s campaign warchest and more. He is that little boy looking at his grandfather’s fingers in a casket. (If you haven’t watched Santorum’s Iowa speech, it’s worth hitting that link.)
If Newt Gingrich drops out, Rick Santorum could put it together — if he can keep it together.
Santorum is Obama’s dream candidate. I doubt he’ll win PA. If he gets the nod it is suicide for the R’s and they need to come back to the sanity of YOUR Republican moderate, low spending, semi-libertarian, sensible party (ala Bill Weld).