Thingish Things

Romney Out of Hiding

Mitt Romney has done a very good job — politically — in staying above the debt ceiling fray for the past several weeks.  It is no easy feat to do that as a Republican front-runner for President.  Today Romney emerged from hiding on the issue with shot-gun barrels blazing at President Obama.  Said Romney:  “As president, my plan […]

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Lone Star Advice

I’ve always wondered what it was like for state reporters, who have covered an elected official for years; who have lived and breathed his every utterance; who know what he eats and drinks, how much sleeps and with whom, when that official becomes a presidential or vice presidential candidate.  Suddenly the print and network “big […]

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2012 Landslide Potential

A must read piece in National Journal today by Josh Kraushaar on the state-by-state Presidential race.  These pages touched on the exact same point a couple of weeks back. Bottom line:  There is the potential — potential — for President Obama to lose in a landslide next year.  Here is Kraushaar on it today:  “The […]

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Iron Will

When George Will is good, he is exceptionally good.  In his nationally-syndicated column Monday, Will tackles President Obama’s characteristic arrogance and the separation of powers that Mr. Obama, a Constitutional scholar, serially ignores. Here is Will on President Obama’s abundant love of self: “Inordinate self-regard is an occupational hazard of politics and part of the job description of the rhetorical presidency, this incessant tutor. Still, […]

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Impeachy Keen

Iowa Rep Steve King (R) suggested today that President Obama be impeached if the nation’s debt goes into default.  Another young Republican Turk has suggested that Obama be impeached should he unilaterally raise the debt ceiling, that is, without the approval of the Congress. Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D), who probably would have voted against War of 1812, says Obama […]

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The Growing Youth Revolt

President Obama was bound to lose his grip on the youth vote.  Young people may think they are immortal, but they aren’t stupid.  They can do math, and, according to every available calculation on the federal deficit, the under-30 crowd is screwed.  They are the ones who will be stuck with the bill for decades […]

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Campaign Ad, Carter ’80

Reagan may be the Democrats’ favorite Republican today, but here is how they positioned Reagan in ’80.  Does the scare tactic sound familiar? 

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What Would Reagan Do?

President Obama and other Democratic leaders have repeatedly invoked Ronald Reagan in their negotiations with Republicans over the debt ceiling.  They have suggested that Reagan would have been more willing to yield on raising taxes. Here Michael Reagan, a son of the late President, has some fun at President Obama’s expense comparing Reaganomics with Obamanomics.  It’s sure […]

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The Bachmann Headache

Starkly different reactions out of the Romney and Pawlenty camps on Michele Bachmann’s reported migraine attacks reflect not so much the opinions or character of those two candidates, but their very different position in the polls. Pawlenty has said it is an issue — although he’s now half- walking it back — and Romney has […]

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Campaign Ad, Ron Paul

This ad is now up and running. Pretty clear where he stands on the debt ceiling.   

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