Thingish Things

Performance Art, GOP Style

Why do I think that someone is going to frame this Real Clear Politics chart of the Republican presidential primary and sell it for millions? It’s just begging for wall space at the Museum of Modern Art. 

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Can Rick Santorum Put it Together?

The growing question is not how does one stop Mitt Romney’s inexorable march to the Republican nomination, but how does one stop Rick Santorum — if he can put it together. The former Pennsylvania senator looked like a winner to me on stage last night in Louisiana, not because he had just won the Alabama and Mississippi […]

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Game of Chicken Dinner

If Newt Gingrich were to drop out of the presidential race, Rick Santorum would have a legitimate shot at the Republican nomination for President. I don’t think the same goes for Newt Gingrich if Rick Santorum dropped out, but it doesn’t matter what I think. Mr. Gingrich thinks he would end up on top if […]

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Election’s Over? Poppycock!

It’s incredible how quickly we jump to conclusions in politics.  I do it all the time, and then prove myself an ass. Just read some back entries of this blog and that will be made clear. The latest meme is that the 2012 election is but a foregone conclusion — that an admittedly strange Republican […]

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Making Sausage, GOP Style

Eye rolls are in vogue these days when talking about the GOP presidential primary. “Boy, how the Republicans are blowing this” is the narrative. “They’re handing the election to President Obama.” I’m not so sure about that, for a few reasons. An interesting statistic popped in a poll Wednesday, showing that Mitt Romney’s popularity among […]

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Political Blood Sport A candidate I once worked for launched a political campaign on a television program, pledging to stay positive throughout the race.  The interviewer burst out laughing on the set –genuinely. I remember thinking at the time, “We’ll show him.”  A month later, we were in the thick of one of the nastiest campaigns in memory.  The Ron […]

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About Herman Cain

I like Herman Cain. I am rooting for him. I haven’t decided who I’ll vote for in the Republican primary, but Herman Cain is on my list. But it would be intellectually dishonest to dismiss as a “witch hunt” the information that has come forward about sexual harassment settlements made on Mr. Cain’s behalf in […]

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Newt’s Notes

The socialist magazine Mother Jones is definitely getting its mojo together (Mojo also happens to be its nickname.) I couldn’t disagree more with its premise, but it is impossible not to acknowledge that it has put together a crisp group of Lefty writers who are drawing eyes from both sides of the political spectrum. Mojo […]

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How Will Herman Do? A lot of eyes will be on businessman Herman Cain in tonight’s Republican Primary debate in New Hampshire. Cain’s dramatic rise in the polls is being seen as a temporary phenomenon by most political professionals.  But what if he continues to excel in the polls?  What if he continues to get better as a candidate? Is there room for a complete outsider […]

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Back story here.     

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